Feature Article

Trolls and Convictions: An Encouragement

What things are you willing to die for? Or what things are you willing to forfeit your reputation and social capital for (to put it less dramatically)? Before the dawning of the internet there was less anonymity in day-to-day dealings. Conversations happened either over the phone, in writing, or in person. Each of those methods of communicating required that the parties involved knew the other parties in some way. Yes, of course, you could send a letter to or prank call a stranger. That was more for the young though and less for the serious adult. In order to express your opinions you really had to determine which opinions were worth defending and which were not. With every opinion there are counter opinions. With every point, counter points. And so on. Fast forward to where we are today and anonymity is available at the push of a button. Whether it be through fake social media accounts, or private comments, an entire army of internet “trolls” has emerged. They are ready and waiting to offer whatever demeaning and toxic comments and vitriol they can muster – all with the comfort of knowing their lives, reputation, and social capital are in no danger at all.

To get back to the opening question, I believe we all have those things that matter most to us. We hold that issue, or purpose, or idea in such importance that we’d be willing to fight for.

In battle strategy taking a hill is the pinnacle of difficulty. Having a uphill advantage on the enemy was always desired. Moving down is always easier than moving up. In order to “take the hill” soldiers had to really want it. It had to hold the upmost importance for them in order to brave such a nightmare.

Anybody who has experience trying to share their heartfelt convictions on the internet may sympathize. I know I do. You stake your very real self in order to express what is on your heart. You may receive some support and you may receive some legitimate push back. However, when there is an onslaught of personal attacks it can be challenging to continue. You may want to retreat down the hill. Please don’t.

Whether you are someone who agrees with me or someone who does not, I hope that you do not give in to the trolls. Keep going up the hill. Every time someone clams up and fails to express what they want to express there becomes a little less meaningful and constructive dialogue and a little more hate. Instead of merely wishing for more constructive conversation in the public sphere, be part of the solution.

A few suggestions that have helped me:

  1. Do not be afraid to ignore and block the hateful. Be careful not to be a hypocrite however. “Hate” does not mean “different”. Constructive conversation is a two-way street. There are those that agree and those that do not. When it comes to trolls, however, and their obvious desire to tear others down, blocking some may advance the effort of the others.
  2. Make friends with those of differing opinions and backgrounds. This is easier said than done. Friendship allows for vulnerability which helps constructive dialogue.I have always found that I learn the most from friends who think differently than I. And I imagine they would say the same.
  3. Expect the fight. If you have an opinion that is unpopular than know that push back will happen. Carefully weigh whether if it worth it to you or not. If it is than get hiking up the hill.
  4. Stay vigilant in shaping your opinions. Things change over time. You may write something that later fails to authentically express where you are and what you think. That’s the mark of growth and nothing to be ashamed of. Do not be afraid to change or remove things as appropriate.
  5. Realize that you are NOT going to die on whatever hill you take. So long as you are expressing yourself on the internet, nothing is actually going to happen to your health and wellbeing. That is, unless you let it. Stress and anxiety can bear their ugly heads. All the more, recognize the bigger picture and do not let the trolls get the best of you.

All the best in taking whatever hills you feel called to! Perhaps we will come face-to-face on one someday. If so, I am looking forward to coming together as truth seekers and mutually growing together!

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