Windows to the Soul
Have you ever realized how little people look at each other? I was sitting in my office having a conversation with a friend the other day and noticed that I am guilty of it. This was a person I have known for a while. I felt absolutely comfortable, and yet I realized how strange it felt to look at him for more than a few moments. Ding! My internal timer would be up and I would casually find something to draw my attention away. Option one: rub my eyes. Check. Option two: look over his shoulder as if something important…
Stop and Smell the Roses
Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed. (Mark 1:35) Jesus the God-Man knew the importance of entering into silence, leaving the world behind Him, and taking the time to speak with His Father in prayer. Why is this something that we have so much trouble with sometimes? I know personally that I struggle with distractions. The entire reason behind my choosing to write about this came from a revelation I had the other day. I was driving with my friend in his truck to go to an appointment we had. He was…